On the receiving end, open a shell and do
nc -l 2000 | perl
To send the file, type the IP address of the recipient here:
In the other direction, python -m SimpleHTTPServer
is good enough for everything except video (missing Range
support). For range support, use the Haskell version: stack install wai-app-static; warp
The browser sends a POST that looks like this:
POST /q( HTTP/1.1 Host: blah User-Agent: blah Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=bleh --bleh Content-Disposition: form-data; name="foo" ) if 0; # some ugly perl code to unpack the 'archive' here __DATA__ --bleh Content-Disposition: form-data; name="f"; filename="file.txt" <file content here> --bleh--
... which ends up being a valid but somewhat silly perl script that starts with the bareword POST
divided by a string literal.